
New Rwandan Arrivals

Our new Rwandans have arrived. 

Hemileia Vastatrix or Coffee Rust

Our farmers are having a lot of trouble this year with coffee rust, which is said to have been spreading during the 2012 rainy season in Central America, with our friends in El Salvador as the worst hit country. We thought you may find this interesting.

Hulikere Estate India

Our second report is about a farm called Hulikere Estate which translated basically means Tiger Lake Estate. We will be working very closely with this farm over this year (2013) to produce some outstanding Indian Arabica to crop in 2014 in both natural and washed plantation A and in PB.

India Trip Report - Sethuraman Estate

Last year (2012) we said we wanted to do India a little better. 

Set to plant around 847 trees

Our new roaster is packed and trundling to the seaport - we take delivery in the UK week commencing Jan 14th This Loring Smart Roaster known as the Kestrel has been hand built for us to order in the USA and has been hailed by many as one of the most advanced in roast technology and the most environmentally friendly coffee roaster currently in production.