
Farm visit to Estate “El Silencio"

The Estate “El Silencio” is a property that is located geographically in the department of Santa Rosa. The Estate has a total extension of 432 hectares and is situated with an altitude that varies from 1,100-1,400 (3,600-4,600ft) above sea level.

We are hoping to cup some very high quality of coffee and expect full body characteristics form this Strictly Hard Bean (SHB) – SHB develops because of the excellent climate and geographic conditions, not to exclude the excellent treatment given to the “Cafetal” (coffee plant) from planted until fully harvested. The coffee plant “Florea” (flowers) in this region between March and April follow by the harvesting season in the months of December and February. As for the care of bean, while is in growing stages, it receives a variety of Organic treatment. For instance, the "Pulpa" (pulp) they apply it as a fertilizer and the “Aguas Mieles” (water from the harvesting process), to water the plant in the dry season. Also the dead leaves of the “Cafetal” (coffee plant) are used as an organic fertilizer. 90% of the tasks are done by hand to ensure the treatment is carry out in a very efficient way. When “Cosecha” (harvesting) season begins it requires immediate attention so that it can be picked on time and through the “Beneficio” (harvesting process) in time so that the bean maintains its full body and flavour.

The Estate is inhabited by around 200 inhabitants. Practically they are the workers (colonos) and their families, which work in the farm. They are all very familiar with the area, 95% of them were born in the Estate grounds. The “Cortar café” (picking coffee) does require sufficient amount of people. Most of the workers are people that live in the Estate with additional help of temporary workers if needed. Note: 98 percent of the population, age 12 and up are all literate. Given that the farm has provided them with a school and certified instruction, and it is all free of charge.

After the coffee is picked it is carry-on in a truck and transported from the “parcelas” (coffee fields) to the “Beneficio” to be process. The process used here is a wet process and they recycle the water. Coffee cherries dumped in the holding tank, from there they go into the “Pulperos” (coffee process machine) and this take the “cascara” (the skin of the cherry). From there it is placed in another holding tank along with the “miel” (syrup) that comes out of the bean and it is left there for about 24-36 hours. After sometime it is taken for wash (to wash out the syrup) and then the drying stage begins. They use the natural dry process which is in open air patios. Through the Drying process the coffee bean it is raked several times for Quality Control as well as for Humidity Control. The packaging standards here are determined by the level of humidity that the coffee bean reaches. The limit here 11.5% of humidity. Once this is reach the coffee beans are put in 45.35 kilos sacks ready to delivery to Coffee Real and other micros.
